Thursday, July 17, 2008

HTML Reflections

Creating the web page via good-ol html was fun!
As we go on with our days, not really considering what lurks beneath the web page we are viewing, this task really gives you a sense of the mechanics and technical workings behind the WWW.

I found the task not too hard, but i did have a problem with being consistent with my tags.
To be honest it was a real buzz creating and manipulating the web page. I can see it being a pain in a big project, too many codes to continually type, and being consistent.
I have used Dreamweaver before, with a little bit of HTML exposure. A WYSIWYG is a must on large scale projects. For me anyway!

Blogging is much easier. No worrying about coding and technical problems. All you have to worry about is the content and not the semantics on a site like blogger. If i had to choose between creating my own blog site versus using a place like blogger, hands down blogger would win.

Optional 'Standards' Task 2

When it came time to validate my page at W3 i had a few problems. A tag was left open and I also had to put alternative text to the images i uploaded. But besides that, it went well.

After some double checking of code, i corrected my mistakes.
Researching img tags showed me that i had to put alternative image texts which i had known from a previous HTML project. But i forgot to do it one 1 image.
Basically my issues were with improper closing of a tag and its related effects.

The page would have still worked, but accessibility may have been an issue. If someone was having issues with displaying images, my unvalidated page with a missing alternative text may not have know what the image was. A small issue, but a valid reason for failing.
And aso by not closing an earlier tag, everything below the unclosed tag was taking on its function. All text was being centered when i did not want it to.
And as you can see, the page was re validated, and tentatively passed:)

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